Thursday, September 12, 2019

War in Darfur Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

War in Darfur - Article Example They are given complete impunity for looting and destruction as long as they ensure the government’s interests in Darfur. The main interest of the government is the land in Darfur. The Darfur natives identify Ali Kosheib as the commander of the Janjaweed unit which is responsible for looting and burning their properties. He calls himself the government and uses the government machinery like weapons and vehicles when he goes looting. The government allows the militia to smuggle gum Arabic as part of their compensation. It also helps them extort resources from the public by organizing Government-sponsored â€Å"reconciliation conferences† where the Janjaweed militia demands huge payoffs to prevent further attacks. The Darfur conflict intensifies more with attempted peace efforts. There have not been proposed peace efforts addressing the main issues which cause war in Darfur and this leads to rejection of such proposals. International initiatives of peace in Sudan are disconnected from Darfur and instead they are concentrated in other areas which allow the militia to divide and conquer minimizing the chances of peace in Darfur. Peace in Darfur can only be propagated by internationally-backed peace initiatives which will address the core issues and resolve the conflict once and for all. Otherwise, some population of Darfur will continue to be wiped out as their land is taken and their property destroyed while nothing is being done about it. In my opinion, this article presented the accurate situation on the ground of what is happening in Darfur. Despite reports from the UN that the war in Darfur is no more; their citizens continue to flee their country in search for peaceful places to stay in other countries as refugees. This article also gives evidence of interviewed nationals who have witnessed the militia loot, burn and kill people while using government vehicles. I totally agree with the author of

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