Friday, September 13, 2019

Evaluate the appropriateness of the operating systems elements in Essay

Evaluate the appropriateness of the operating systems elements in terms of their contributions to productivity and overall effectiveness - Essay Example The Toyota production system like any other system has its own way of carrying out its operations. It has a strategy of improving depending on the set standards. This aims at involving the participation of its staff to help eradicate unnecessary wastes. The objective of the system is make the delivery more effective by reducing time taken between when an order is issued and when delivery is made to the clients. Just like any organization or system, the Toyota Production System focuses on not only making their products of high quality but of lower cost of production, to maximize on the profits. Secondly, it is aiming at achieving workers satisfaction, fair treatment, and job security among its workers (Chiarini 2012 pg 345). The final objective is to give the company flexibility in relationship with trends in the local and global markets, to achieve maximum profit through reduction of overhead costs and realizing a sustainable prosperity. Complete elimination of all waste, unevenness in all sections of work and overburden, allows members of staff to work smoothly and efficiently. In addition, core values of the system are built on standardization that ensures safe methods of production and sustained quality of production. Toyota community is steel seeking to improve its standard processes and techniques in order to bring in maximum quality, eliminate waste, and maximize efficiency in a process known as kaizen. The process is applied in all the production elements of the company. Kaizen is a core element in the Toyota production system. Like in all large-scale production systems, Toyota requires all tasks both mechanical and human be specified and precisely standardized to ensure highest quality, improve production efficiency, and eliminate waste. In this section of production system, the members of staff follow closely these standardized works and

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