Thursday, September 12, 2019

Determining Your perfect Position Research Paper

Determining Your perfect Position - Research Paper Example I would remain staunch about the work domains that come about under the organizational tenets (Gagliardi, 2003). I would always make it a point to remain steadfast about my resources and the employees who are there within the workplace realms. I would keep them abreast of the changes that are taking place on an organizational level and would not worry about taking risk every now and then. The strengths that would embody the basis of my leadership would comprise of my strong adherence to guidelines and rules that have been made in the organization while the weaknesses would be that I would be sensitive to emotions and sentiments of individuals working in the organization. Hence I believe this would be my perfect position because it would offer me a chance to showcase who I am and what I want to do when I become a leader. The different leadership theories include the behavior, trait, â€Å"great man†, contingency, situational, participative, management and relationship theories. These theories center on different premises all in distinctive tangents. The â€Å"great man† theory suggests that the capacity to become a leader is intrinsic. The trait theory emphasizes on the qualities and characteristics which are inherited by people.

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