Sunday, September 15, 2019

How Do I Spend My Free Time Essay

Nowadays, some people consider that children have too much leisure time and in spite of wasting it, they should use it to do more school work. In my opinion, I think children should use their free time wisely to develop their skills not only in school work but also in their life. Firstly, we all know that people cannot keep on working all the time. We need to stop and relax ourselves. And after a long day in school, children also need to relax. In their free time, they can play games, have a small party or even talk to each other to refresh their mind and keep themselves away from the stressful atmosphere of the school. The games or sports that I play make me more reflexive, faster, and stronger both physically and mentally. For example in tennis, the player has to run, focus on the ball and swing the bat accurately at the same time. Children can improve their body, their reflections and their brain at the same time. Another thing that I do in my free time is pottering around in the garden with my mother. She plants a fair bit of flowers and I enjoy helping her take care of them. It is a pleasure to feel the soil, prune the plants, remove the weeds and do the little things that help the plants grow better. It always fills me with wonder to watch seedlings germinate, leaves sprout and eventually grow to produce beautiful flowers. Social skills play an important part in me daily life. People do not need to be good at their knowledge but they also need know how deal with people. With a large amount of free time, I have joined some social activities which can give me a lot of ideas about the right manners and attitudes for my future life. At night, I usually do a bit of reading before going to bed. Books are like little treasure chests. A lot of information and knowledge are to be found in them and all it takes is a bit of time spent reading them. This is certainly a very beneficial way to spend my free time. After a spot of reading, it is time for bed and on to another day.

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