Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The outcomes of La Machine Infernale Essay Example For Students

The outcomes of La Machine Infernale Essay His nai vety is what prevents him from seeing the trap he is walking into here : Une femme qui pourrait etre votre mire! Lessentiel est quelle ne le soit pas. In addition, his charming personality and flirtatious behaviour, Puis-je vous demander votre nom? are important in convincing the Sphinx to spare him, and give him the answer to the riddle. Finally, the Sphinx gives i dipus her human remains to take as evidence of his success, and therefore helps him on his way towards his tragic end. Had i dipus been more sensitive, she might have warned him of the mistake he was making, yet he was too vain to thank her, leading her to encourage him on his route to self-destruction, Vous raminerez ma di pouille i Thi bes et lavenir vous ri compensera selon vos mi rites. We will write a custom essay on The outcomes of La Machine Infernale specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The third and final occurrence which I will use to assess the roles of fate, chance and human responsibility within the play, is the suicide and self-inflicted blindness which follow the revelation revealed in the final act. Up until this point, Fate had been the driving force behind the events which have taken place within the last seventeen years. We now reach the situation which has been set up and developed over the years to raise idipus to a status from which it would be please the Gods for him to fall from. It is chance that Polybe died at this time, after Jocaste and i dipus have produced four children, but during this scene, I believe that i dipus is responsible for the unveiling of how he has fulfilled his fate perfectly. One might argue that in expressing joy at the death of someone whom he believed to be his natural father, he is punished by the discovery of his adoption, vous ni tiez que son fils adoptif. As Tiresias points out, idipus likes to know everything, and as he pushes the messenger for more information, it is he himself who is responsible for the outcome of this scene, and the play in general, jinterrogerai sans crainte. Yet, i dipus cannot even be said to be honourable at this point, as he falsely blames Tiresias of having forced him to admit his crime, vous mavez poussi i dire que ji tais un assassin . Human responsibility becomes more evident when it is revealed how both Jocaste and i dipus lied to each other, Mon histoire de chassefausse come tant dautres, Jocaste a di mettre son crime sur le compte dune de ses servantes. At this point, Jocaste is tortured by that which she has ignored or been unaware of throughout her marriage, and i dipus is similarly delirious, cest fini fini before blinding himself. Jocaste and i dipus have displayed the same personality traits as they try to outwit the Gods, by running away from or abandoning that which connects them to the fate which has been prophesised. Their naivety is displayed at numerous points throughout, and in idipus case, the words are even said to him, Une femme qui pourrait etre votre mi re! , making his ignorance pathetic, if not comedic. Human responsibility is the last factor which plays a major role in this play, yet Fate is in my opnion, the most important of all as it is the fate decided by the Gods which was the starting point of the tragedy. Chance has a relatively small part to play, as although it decided the details such as how i dipus kills Laius, and the way in which Jocaste and i dipus find out they have committed incest, their fate and therefore the outcome of the play, remains the same.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How My Culture Influenced My Development

How My Culture Influenced My DevelopmentThe 'How My Culture Influenced My Development' essay is an intriguing and entertaining essay question. The essay is written by Mary Ann Bracchus, a Ph.D. candidate in counseling psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.In her essay, Mary Ann Bracchus asks the reader to consider a variety of critical topics related to her culture. She poses the following question: 'What is it about American culture that can teach me about myself?' She then describes her quest to understand the importance of personal development in the context of American culture.She discusses three issues: education, work life, and self-actualization. Specifically, she discusses the American value system of individualism, the ability to choose one's own path, and the value of 'self-expression'self-fulfillment.' She describes the differences between culture and individual behaviors as 'identity' and states, 'American culture values the ability to explore, define, and mak e new and unique self-images, to be creative in our behavior and expression.' She explains that the U.S. has a 'culture of truth' which is a 'theory of meaning' and an 'ethical system of judgment.'Mary Ann Bracchus also discusses the 'conceptualization' of leadership, which she defines as the process of formulating a 'perceived reality.' She describes the formation of the self through this process as 'inner perception,' and illustrates this by describing her experience of her adoption of the Asian style of speaking. In that adoption, she is able to speak in a way that seems natural to her, a process that she describes as 'a conceptualization.'In addition to these three themes, Mary Ann Bracchus describes her own experience with the values of self-expression and self-actualization. She defines the self as a 'perceived reality' and demonstrates this through her experience as a self-proclaimed life coach.Based on her experience as a life coach, Mary Ann Bracchus explains that there are four self-actualization perspectives: the Fermi-fish-egg theory, the Megalithic-anthropic perspective, the Phenomenal-spiritual approach, and the Onkwehón-weiki-psiyi perspective. In her essay, she describes her own concept of self-actualization as a practice of healing one's spirit.In order to develop self-actualization, Mary Ann Bracchus notes that there are two ways to do this: to accept yourself as you are or to accept yourself as you could be. To accept yourself as you are, would require that we accept that there is no higher truth than our own self-interpretation, that we cannot have greater meaning or purpose than what we define as 'me,' and that our humanity cannot outweigh our moral accountability to society. But to accept yourself as you could be would require that we acknowledge that what I believe about myself will not affect the way I interact with others, that I am only one human being with unique feelings, intentions, and beliefs.The 'How My Culture Influenced My De velopment' essay sample presented here offers an interesting and engaging look at the many different facets of American culture. It also provides a venue for students to evaluate their cultural identity and explain how they interpret their personal and cultural values. The focus of the essay is to encourage students to consider and identify their cultural influences while helping them recognize that there is no right or wrong answer to the question of how my culture influenced my development.